When the plan has been saved, you can view your own plans quickest from the front page.
FIGURE: The front page lists all the planner’s own plans. The diagram also displays the stages of the plan.
When a plan has been saved in the system, it will also be shown in the ‘Plans’ list view where the name, category, unit, estimated value, creation date and time, planner and status are displayed in the respective columns. Users will see all the contracts to which they have been given access. The plans in the list view can be deleted using the functions menu, a planner may be assigned for them, and the listing can also be exported to Excel.
FIGURE: The plans selected using the functions menu can be deleted, planners may be assigned for them, and they can be exported to Excel.
To open a plan for viewing, click the menu icon. Users with planner and administrator privileges may edit a plan and change its status.
The list view includes a keyword search that searches for the name and description of the plan. The search can be limited to only apply to the plans you have created, and/or it can also be limited by unit, categories, planner, status and estimated value.
FIGURE: The ‘Search for plans’ feature can be found from the left-hand side of the plan list