Contract case
Users may create contract cases and add a desired number of contracts to each of them. If the organisation has at its disposal integration with Cloudia Sourcing (*additional functionality), a contract case can also be created automatically from a procurement case using integration with Sourcing.
Basic information
* Required information
- Contract case name*
- Contract case description
- Reference number
- Contract case number*
- Contract case identifier
- Generated automatically when the contract case has been saved
- Contract type*
- The selected contract type will be inherited as the default type for the contracts created under the contract case. The default can also be defined as mandatory for all contracts included in the contract case
- Contract case period
- Contract case documents (instructions, additional info)
- Metadata (additional information) may be defined for a contract case following a procedure similar to that specified for contracts. These will be inherited as defaults for the contracts created under the contract case
Users and access rights
You may define persons in charge as well as reading and editing privileges for the contract case. These will be inherited as defaults for the contracts created under the contract case. The details pertaining to organisation and persons in charge can also be inherited using integration with Sourcing.
- Organisation unit*
- Person in charge of contract case
- Select deputy person(s) in charge
- Reading rights
- Editing rights
You may define the estimated value of the contract case or populate it via integration with Sourcing.
- Estimated value total
Summary and state
The ‘Summary and state’ tab summarises the details of the contract case in a single view
NOTE! When the contract case has been saved, its status (‘In progress’, ‘Active’) may be changed in the ‘Contract case status’ field.
The ‘Notification’ view is displayed when a contract case is viewed.
- The view displays all notifications pertaining to the contract case concerned
You may add any number of contracts to the contract case.
Monitoring object templates
The ‘Monitoring object templates’ tab is displayed when a contract case is edited.
- You may add monitoring objects to the contract case following the procedure specified for contracts. These will be inherited as defaults for the contracts created under the contract case
Users may create and edit structured contracts. Contracts may be created using a contract template that is defined according to the contract type used (the contract type is selected) or by editing a previously created contract (the contract template is selected). In Cloudia Contract, the contract content is created using dynamic contract segments. It is also possible to create a contract without a contract template.
Contracts can be added to a selected contract case, in which case the contract serves as the main or parent contract (e.g. supplier contracts in a framework agreement). Contracts can also be added as subcontracts under a main contract (e.g. supply contracts under a framework agreement). Structured contracts make the contracts more standardised and easier to find and monitor, and changes to the content become more manageable.
When a contract is created (or imported) into the system as a new contract, a set of standard basic information will be defined for it. This information is used for facilitating the searching for and monitoring of contracts. The basic information can be supplemented by metadata (additional information) the users may manage. The content of a structured contract is created using contract segments the users may manage.
The structured basic content of contracts
Basic information:
- Organisation unit
- Indicates which organisation unit owns the contract
- Contract case
- Indicates which contract case the contract is connected to, if any. If the contract is created starting from a contract case, this information will be added automatically
- Parent contract
- Indicates shows whether the contract is a subcontract under another contract (such as a delivery contract). If the contract is created starting from a parent contract, this information will be added automatically
- Tender
- Indicates whether the contract is connected to a tender received via competitive tendering (integration with Cloudia Sourcing). Users may connect a contract to a tender
- Contract
- A unique name for the contract entered by the user. This information may also be populated automatically via integration with Cloudia Sourcing.
- Contract description
- A free-form description of the contract entered by the user. This information may also be populated automatically via integration with Cloudia Sourcing.
- Reference number
- An identifier entered by the user
- Contract number
- An identifier entered by the user. This information may also be populated automatically via integration with Cloudia Sourcing.
- Contract identifier
- An identifier automatically generated by the service
- Contract type
- Selected by the user to indicate the type of the contract within the organisation’s own contract hierarchy. If the contract is connected to a contract case, this information may also be inherited from there
- Contract party A
- The client counterparties for the contract. The user selects this information from the data repository of the service or enters the information
- Contract party B
- The supplier counterparties for the contract. The user selects this information from the data repository of the service or enters the information. This information may also be populated automatically via integration with Cloudia Sourcing. A separate customer-specific project may be carried out to import supplier information from the customer’s other systems (such as Laske).
- Contract period
- Specified by the user. This information may also be populated automatically via integration with Cloudia Sourcing.
- Option periods
- Specified by the user. This information may also be populated automatically via integration with Cloudia Sourcing.
- Contract attachments
- Contract appendices that form part of the contract. They are files uploaded from the user’s own computer or selected from the file library of the service. The attachments can also be automatically inherited from the contract template used.
- Users may also specify a confidentiality setting for contract attachments complete with grounds thereof. Attachments can also be fetched via integration with Cloudia Sourcing
- Other attachments
- Additional information appendices related to the contract. They are files uploaded from the user’s own computer or selected from the file library of the service. The attachments can also be automatically inherited from the contract template used. Attachments can also be fetched via integration with Cloudia Sourcing
- Links
- You may add links to the contract that will be displayed on the contract info page and in the Dashboard
- Internal contract
- Indicates whether the contract is internal to the organisation. Specified by the user.
- Contract group
- Indicates whether an upper-level category has been defined for the contract (purchase contract, sales contract, other contract).
- Contract template
- Indicates which contract template the contract is based on. The template may be blank, a contract template recommended by the contract type, a selected contract template or a previously created contract. Specified by the user
- Contract language
- Indicates the language setting of the contract. Specified by the user.
Contract content
The content of a structured contract consists of one or several contract segments. Each contract segment has a name, title, data type and content. This information (in addition to the header and footer data) is used to generate a contract document in pdf format shown for contract users.
Contract segments may be inherited by default from the contract template. Users may remove inherited contract segments unless they are locked. Users may also add other contract segments to the contract by selecting contract segments from the contract segment library that were created by the administrator in advance. Users may create their own contract segments for contracts on the fly.
The data type of the contract segment determines what type of data the contract segment may contain. The content of the contract segment may be entered by the user into the contract. Contract segments may also have default content inherited from the contract segment library or contract template, and the user may edit this content if it is not locked.
Users may also insert ready-made content into contract segments from the contract phrase library maintained by the administrator. If the system is integrated with Cloudia Sourcing, users may also fetch content from the associated call for tenders, tender or contract award details and add it to the contract.
The contract may also be an imported ready-made contract document. In this case, all other structured data can be defined for the contract except for these structured contract segments.
Contract metadata (additional information)
The contract metadata consists of the desired amount of additional information. Each metadata has a name, data type and content. This information will not be shown in the contract document.
If the contract is connected to a contract case, the metadata may also be inherited from there by default. Metadata may also be inherited from the data on the contract type the contract is connected to. Metadata may also be inherited for all contracts via the settings of the metadata library. Users may remove inherited metadata unless it is locked.
Users may also add other metadata to the contract by selecting metadata from the metadata library that were created by the administrator in advance. The data type of the metadata determines what type of data the metadata may contain.
The content of the metadata may be entered by the user into the contract. Metadata may also have default content inherited from the metadata library or contract case, and the user may edit this content if it is not locked.
Users may also insert ready-made content into metadata from the contract phrase library maintained by the administrator. If the system is integrated with Cloudia Sourcing, users may also fetch content from the associated call for tenders, tender or contract award details and add it to the contract.
Contract products
If the contract was generated via integration with Cloudia Sourcing, product and service information provided in the contract supplier's tender can be added to the contract in a structured form. The user may also enter structured products in the contract manually.
The user may fetch product groups and products from tender information (all or selected items) to be added to the contract. For each product, the purchased amount, price, unit and currency are added to the contract.
The user may also fetch the ‘criteria data’ (all or selected items) provided by the supplier in its tender to be added for each product. When this data has been fetched, it can also be edited, deleted or added.
The structured product data that is added can also be used for automatically generating a product appendix (in Excel or PDF format) to be attached to the contract or for other purposes.
Contract value
The user may define the estimated value of the contract in the form of structured data. The estimated value can be allocated across the contract period. The user may enter allocated values using actual values or the data may be provided via integration with financial administration systems, for example.
Contract monitoring information
Users may add a desired number of monitoring steps for a contract. If the contract is connected to a contract type, monitoring objects may also be inherited from there by default. Each monitoring object may include the desired number of monitoring steps. Each monitoring step has a name, description, start and end date and a person in charge. Monitoring objects may be added from the monitoring object library maintained by the administrator, or the users may create their own monitoring objects.
Users may also add the desired number of reminders to the contract. Reminders may be assigned to the start and end dates of the contract or option period.
Contract document
Users may add headers and footers to contract documents generated from structured contract data from the library maintained by the administrator. Users may also change the signature text and placement in the document as desired.
Contract user privileges
Users may specify the service from a register by selecting one person in charge for the contract along with a number of deputies.
Users may define unique reading and editing privileges for the contract data. Privileges may be set for the entire organisation, selected parts of the organisation, selected user groups and selected individual users.
Contract status
Users may define the status of the contract (‘In progress’, ‘Active’, ‘Nullified’, ‘Terminated’ or ‘Expired’, ‘Archived’).
Contract signature
Signatories may be specified for contracts (name, title, party, date). It is possible to sign contracts electronically. When electronic signature is used, all of the signatories will be picked from electronic signatures and any signatories the user has defined will be deleted.