If score effects are set for the price, the way in which the price is requested must be set:
- The price per unit is requested
- The price is calculated using the formula defined in the call for tenders
The price per unit is requested
If a unit price is requested, the supplier will automatically be presented with a field for the unit price and the system will automatically calculated the price from the procured quantity (if this quantity has been specified).
- Enter the procurement objects
- Enter the quantity and/or unit if applicable
- Select “Price is requested”
- Select “The price per unit is requested” from the drop-down box
This is a picture of the editing view and of the preview view of the suppliers' form.
The price is requested using the formula defined in the call for tenders
If the price is requested using a formula defined in the call for tenders, the price type criterion must be set. The price type criterion can handle the price as an overall price (option a) or a formula can be specified using the formula editor (option b).
Option a
- Enter the procurement objects
- Enter the quantity and/or unit if applicable
- Select “Price is requested”
- Select “The price is requested using the formula defined in the call for tenders”
Option b
- Enter the procurement objects
- Enter the quantity and/or unit if applicable
- Select “Price is requested”
- Select “The price is requested using the formula defined in the call for tenders”
In the example, the price criterion is set as follows:
- Numerical criteria are set for the procured objects
- Senior specialist, price per day
- Junior specialist, price per day
- A price type criterion is set for the overall price using a specified price formula
- Price criteria can be allocated to individual objects. In this case:
- There cannot be price criteria allocated generally or to all objects
- Not all of the objects need to have price criteria but those that have price criteria may only have one price criterion per object
- The price criterion can be a general criterion allocated to an object group. In this case:
- The criteria related to the price formula cannot be allocated to all objects
- It may be possible to use the criteria for individual objects in their own formulae if partial tenders within the object group are not allowed
- Volume-weighted price scoring is never used
- Price criteria allocated to all objects or to specific objects are not allowed
- Price criteria can be allocated to all of the objects in an object group. In this case:
- In contrast with the general criteria for all objects, the price criteria will affect the number of points: the maximum number of points will be determined in accordance with the maximum number of points for the total price of the object group
- Price criteria allocated to individual objects are not allowed in this case
- Price criteria can be allocated to the object group generally are not allowed in this case
- Price criteria allocated to individual objects cannot be in their own formulae
The system allows the use of a criterion of the price attachment type
- No row-specific score can be set for a criterion of the price attachment type as such, but the effect on the score is based on the potentially specified maximum price score
- Price attachment is always a mandatory criterion, meaning that the tenderer must enter a price and include a price attachment
Formula used to calculate prices
The “Price calculation method” column for price type criteria contains an icon enabling you to open the formula window
In the formula window:
- Preview the formula:
- This will show a preview of the formula you are editing (this is initially blank)
- You can select a part of the formula:
- To insert a new formula element after it
- To edit it
- To remove it
- Removing formula elements:
- Select the desired element from the formula and click the “Remove” icon
- Click the “Empty formula” icon to remove the entire formula
- Modifying formula elements or adding new elements:
- Select the part of the formula to which you would like to add an element
- Depending on which phase of editing you are in:
- Enter a fixed value
- Add a mathematical operator (add, subtract, multiply or divide)
- Add brackets (the service automatically adds brackets to the start and end)
- Add a criterion from a menu such that the value that is entered is used as part of the formula
- The service will notify you if the structure of the formula is such that calculation is not possible in accordance with mathematical rules
- Save your changes by clicking “Save and close”