Specifying price points when “Scoring by object row” is used as the comparison criterion
The maximum number of points related to the price is specified for each object row by entering the number of points in the “Maximum points of the object row total price” field
- In the comparison table, the price points for the object row are calculated using a normal price calculation formula
Specifying price points when “Scoring by object group” is used as the comparison criterion
The maximum number of points related to the price is specified for each object group by entering the number of points in the “Maximum points of the object group total price” field
- In the comparison table, the price points for each object group are calculated separately using a normal calculation formula taking into account the total price of the object group product/service rows weighted according to the procurement quantities
Specifying price points when “Scoring based on total procurement” is used as the comparison criterion
A single maximum number of points is specified for the entire procurement (all of the specified object groups) by entering the number of points in the “Maximum points of total price” field
- In the comparison table, the price points are calculated using a normal calculation formula taking into account the total price of all of the product/service rows in the object groups weighted according to the procurement quantities
Specifying the order of priority when “Order of priority” is used as the selection criterion
If you do not wish to use scoring for the comparison, the comparison criterion can be “Specified selection criteria in order of importance”.
- The “Selection order of priority” section is at the bottom of the page
- Add an order of priority row by clicking “Add order data”
- Edit the order of priority row by clicking “Edit order of priority rows”
- Change the order of the rows using the up and down arrows
- Create a new row above the selected row by clicking on the curved arrow
- Delete a row by clicking the cross icon
Maximum points for quality
Quality points can be set in two different ways.
1) Absolute number of quality points for the row
2) Maximum number of points for quality (by object group, by object row and for the overall procurement See “Specifying price points”)
Absolute number of quality points for the row
If the “Maximum number of points for quality” field is left blank, suppliers will receive an absolute number of points for quality
as specified for the criterion rows.
- If the quality criterion row is set to use the “Relationship to the largest” or “Relationship to the smallest” calculation methods, the quality points for these rows will be scaled using the relevant formula.
Maximum points for quality
If a number of points is specified in the “Maximum quality points” field, the system will scale the number of quality points in such a way that the supplier that receives the highest number of quality points for the row will receive the specified maximum number of points for quality.
- The other suppliers will receive quality points in proportion to the maximum as calculated using the “Relationship to the largest” formula.