The cheapest price
If ‘The cheapest price’ is selected as the selection criterion, the idea is that price will be asked for the objects being requested and it will affect the benchmark or evalution price. This selection compares the suppliers automatically in such a way that the one with the cheapest price is ranked first and the rest after it according to their respective prices. NOTE! In this selection criterion, price or quality points cannot be used.
‘Price is requested and it will affect the benchmark price’
Select ‘The cheapest price’, ‘Price is requested and it will affect the benchmark price’ as the evalution criterion
Click here for more detailed instruction for asking the price
‘Price is requested, but it will not affect the benchmark price’ and ‘Price is not requested’
It should be noted that ‘The cheapest price’ selection criterion will not force to ask a price for the objects being requested, so when criteria are set for the sourcing items, it can also be chosen that no price will be asked for the objects (or a specific object) at all or a that a price will be asked, but it will not affect the benchmark or evalution price (e.g. an option product).
FIGURE: Examples of setting the sourcing object criteria when ‘The cheapest price’ is used as the evalution criterion and a price is asked for the group and it will affect the benchmark price
Economically most advantageous tender, scoring (cheapest price)
If ‘Economically most advantageous tender, scoring (cheapest price)’ is selected as the evalution criterion, the idea is that price and/or quality points are set for the objects being procured. This selection will compare the suppliers automatically in such a way that the responses that received the largest amount of price and/or quality points will be ranked first and the rest according to their respective scores.
Scoring of price: Price points can be set for a turnkey procurement and, in request divided into lots, on a lot-by-lot basis. TSupplier-specific price points will be assigned automatically using the ‘Relationship to the smallest’ or linear formula on a pro rata basis (the suppliers are compared using either of the two options). (see Scoring of price and quality)
Criterion-specific quality points: Quality points can be assigned on a criterion-by-criterion basis, in which case the quality points will be assigned automatically in the response evalutation (according to the answers by the tenderers) or manually (the processor assigns the points and states the grounds in the comparison table) (see Scoring the criteria)
Maximum points of quality: In a turnkey procurement, maximum points of quality can also be assigned for quality and, in procurements divided into lots, lot-specific maximum points of quality. The maximum points will be compared (in a turnkey procurement, in the aggregate, and in a procurement divided into lots, lot by lot) automatically using the ‘Relationship to the largest’ formula. The maximum points of quality will be assigned to the supplier who received the largest number of criteria-specific (‘row-specific’) points. The maximum points of quality will be compared between suppliers using the ‘Relationship to the largest’ formula (see Scoring of price and quality)
FIGURE: Example of the comparison stage when ‘Economically most advantageous tender, scoring’ (cheapest price) is used as the comparison criterion
Economically most advantageous tender, priority
If ‘Economically most advantageous tender, priority’ is selected as the comparison criterion, the idea is that selection priority information is defined for the objects being requested. This information is additional information of the text type under which no automation is linked in the evaluation. In this evaluation criterion, the system will not automatically evaluate and rank the suppliers.

FIGURE: Example of adding an order of priority
The highest price
If ‘The highest price’ is selected as the selection criterion, the idea is that price will be asked for the objects being request and it will affect the benchmark or evaluation price. This selection evaluation the suppliers automatically in such a way that the one with the highest price is ranked first and the rest after it according to their respective prices. NOTE! In this selection criterion, price or quality points cannot be used.
‘Price is requested and it will affect the benchmark price’
Select ‘The highest price’, ‘Price is requested and it will affect the benchmark price’ as the evaluation criterion
Click here for more detailed instruction for asking the price
‘Price is requested, but it will not affect the benchmark price’ and ‘Price is not requested’
It should be noted that ‘The highest price’ selection criterion will not force to ask a price for the objects being request, so when criteria are set for the requestobjects, it can also be chosen that no price will be asked for the objects (or a specific object) at all or a that a price will be asked, but it will not affect the benchmark or evaluation price (e.g. an option product).
FIGURE: Examples of setting the procurement object criteria when ‘The highest price’ is used as the comparison criterion and a price is asked for the group and it will affect the benchmark price
Economically most advantageous tender, scoring (highest price)
If ‘Economically most advantageous tender, scoring (highest price)’ is selected as the evaluation criterion, the idea is that price and/or quality points are set for the objects being requested. This selection will evaluation the suppliers automatically in such a way that the supplier that received the largest amount of price and/or quality points will be ranked first and the rest according to their respective scores.
Scoring of price: Price points can be set for a turnkey procurement and, in request divided into lots, on a lot-by-lot basis. Supplier-specific price points will be assigned automatically using the ‘Relationship to the largest’ or linear formula on a pro rata basis (the supplier are compared using either of the two options). (see Scoring of price and quality)
Criterion-specific quality points: Quality points can be assigned on a criterion-by-criterion basis, in which case the quality points will be assigned automatically in the supplier comparison (according to the answers by the suppliers) or manually (the processor assigns the points and states the grounds in the evaluation table) (see Scoring the criteria)
Maximum points of quality: In a turnkey procurement, maximum points of quality can also be assigned for quality and, in request divided into lots, lot-specific maximum points of quality. The maximum points will be evaluated (in a turnkey procurement, in the aggregate, and in a request divided into lots, lot by lot) automatically using the ‘Relationship to the largest’ formula. The maximum points of quality will be assigned to the request who received the largest number of criteria-specific (‘row-specific’) points. The maximum points of quality will be compared between suppliers using the ‘Relationship to the largest’ formula (see Scoring of price and quality)
FIGURE: Example of the comparison stage when ‘Economically most advantageous tender, scoring’ (highest price) is used as the evaluation criterion
Viewing the evaluation by evaluation criteria
The cheapest price is used as the evaluation criterion
NOTE: applies also when using the evaluation criterion "highest price", but the maximum points are awarded to the highest price
If ‘The cheapest price’ was chosen when the evaluation criteria were defined, the system will automatically evaluate the requests to participate based on the cheapest price, in addition to which it will assign rank information to them. The evaluation table will show all the information that was asked in a structured manner or in the ‘Sourcing item criteria’ or ‘Qualification criteria’ sections. The attachments shown in the evaluation will open by clicking the links (e.g. the implamation plan in the figure below).
FIGURE: The figure depicts an example of automatic price comparison in a comparison table when ‘The cheapest price’ is used as the comparison criterion.
Evalutioan table when ‘Economically most advantageous response, scoring’ (cheapest price) is used as the evaluation criterion
NOTE: Applies also when using the evaluation criterion "Economically most advantageous tender, scoring (highest price)". The price points are awarded according to 'relationship to the largest' -formula
If ‘Economically most advantageous request, scoring’ (cheapest price) was chosen when the evaluation criteria were defined, the system will automatically compare the requests to participate according to the price and/or quality points set, in addition to which it will assign rank information to them. The evaluation table will show all the information that was asked in a structured manner or in the ‘Sourcing item criteria’ or ‘Qualification criteria’ sections. Points can be set separately for a specific criterion row, for maximum quality points and for price points. Object-specific weights can also be set for price points.
The scoring in the evaluation can be automatic in nature, in which case the system will automatically score the criterion row concerned. The calculation method can also be defined as manual (e.g. in the figure below, implemention plan), in which case the processor of the evaluation will assign points to the criterion row at the comparison stage. The attachments shown in the evaluation will open by clicking the links (e.g. the implemention plan in the figure below).
Example 1. Evaluation view where the scoring of price (using the ‘Relationship to the smallest’ formula) as well as criterion-specific and quality maximum points have been used

FIGURE: The figure depicts an example of automatic evaluation of price and quality points in a evaluation table when ‘Economically most advantageous tender, scoring’ is used as the evaluation criterion. The circles indicate criterion-specific quality points, quality maximum points and total price maximum points. In the figure, the price is compared using the ‘Relationship to the smallest’ formula
Example 2. Evaluation view where the scoring of price (using the ‘Relationship to the smallest, linear’ formula) as well as criterion-specific and quality maximum points have been used

FIGURE: The figure depicts an example of automatic evaluation of price and quality points in a evaluation table when ‘Economically most advantageous tender, scoring’ is used as the evaluation criterion. The circles indicate criterion-specific quality points, quality maximum points and total price maximum points. In the figure, the price is evaluated using the ‘Relationship to the smallest, linear’ formula
Evaluation table when ‘Economically most advantageous tender, priority’ is used as the evaluation criterion
If ‘Economically most advantageous tender, priority’ was chosen when the evaluation criteria were defined, the system will not automatically compare the requests to participate. The evaluation table will show all the information that was asked in a structured manner or in the ‘Sourcing item criteria’ or ‘Qualification criteria’ sections, and the processor of the evaluation can set the necessary grounds and supplier selections. The attachments shown in the evaluation will open by clicking the links.

FIGURE: The figure depicts an example of the evaluation table view when the ‘Economically most advantageous tender, priority’ option is used as the evaluation criterion. The system does not automatically evaluate or rank the requests to participate.