* Additional functionality subject to a separate order that can be used for correcting tenders in an ended competitive tendering
Correcting a tender submitted in a competitive tendering that has ended
The tenders of an ended competitive tendering can be corrected on the notice information page under ‘Open tender for making corrections’ (if the tender has not been opened before for making corrections) or ‘Go to tender correction’ (if the tender has been opened before for making corrections).
NOTE! When a tender is opened for correction, opening the comparison will not be possible.
When you have opened the tender correction, you can correct the procurement object criteria and suitability requirements of the tender.
Procurement object criteria
Under ‘Procurement object criteria’, you can edit all the information that the tenderer is allowed to provide in the Supplier Portal. At the correction stage, you can write/select/upload a new answer to the desired section.
When you edit the tender information, enter a comment explaining the change. If you want to revert back to the tenderer’s original value, click ‘Reset the original value’.
Eligibility and minimum requirements
In the ‘Eligibility and minimum requirements’ section, you can edit all the information that the tenderer is allowed to provide in the Supplier Portal. At the correction stage, you can write/select/upload a new answer to the desired section.
When you edit the tender information, enter a comment explaining the change. If you want to revert back to the tenderer’s original value, click ‘Reset the original value’.
Under ‘Preview’, you can view the original tender submitted by the tenderer and the tender corrected by the procurement organisation.
NOTE! If a comment has not been written in all the corrected sections, the acceptance of the corrected tender will not be possible.