‘Requests’ list view
Click any title to sort the list view accordingly.
FIGURE: List view sorted according to status.
The created requests are shown a list view in which the request name, unit, submission date, target time, requested items (quantity), planner and status are displayed in the respective columns. The requester and planner roles allow the user to view the requests of their own unit. The list view contains functionalities for deleting a request, assigning a planner, moving items to a plan and creating a new plan.
FIGURE: The list view menu allows you to delate requests, assign a planner, move items to a plan or create a plan for the requests en masse or individually
Note! The items included in the request can be moved to a plan if the status of the items is open. Conversely, when a new plan is created based on a request, the items will move to the new plan if their status is open.
To open a request for viewing, click the menu icon. The creator of the purchase request may edit the request as long as its status is ‘Open’ or the requested items have been moved to a plan. Changing the status of a request and moving items to a plan is possible for users with at least planner user privileges. To edit the status of a request, click the menu button.
FIGURE: Listing of requests. To edit a request, click the menu button.
Menu button functionalities:
‘Edit’: opens the selected request
‘Delete’: deletes the selected request(s) from the system
Search for requests
The list view includes a search feature that searches for the name and description of the request. The search can be limited to only apply to the requests you have created or to a specific unit, planner or status.
Users with a planner or requester role may only search from the subunits of their own unit. Administrators may search for requests from all units of the organisation.
Processing a request
Users with planner and administrator privileges may process requests by clicking the menu button in the list view and then selecting ‘Edit’. A planner may edit the details of the request until the status is changed to ‘In progress’. The processing time planner may assign another planner for the request or edit its status.
FIGURE: The ‘Edit’ menu allows editing the request as long as its status is ‘Open’. The user may also assign another planner for the request or change its status.
- Basic information - Lists the request basic information
- Information - Lists the responses received from the creator of the request in the request template comment fields (if defined)
- Items - Lists the items included in the request
- Select the desired item, and then
- Click ‘Reject’ to reject the items
- Click ‘Add comment’ to add a comment for the requester
- Note! If the creator of the request has not defined any alerts in the alert settings, no comment will be sent. See ‘Alert settings’
- Click ‘Create plan’ to create a plan of the items
- Click ‘Move items to a plan’ to move items to an existing plan
- Select a plan from the drop-down menu
- Click ‘Add comment’ to add a comment for the requester
- Click ‘Reject’ to reject the items
- Select the desired item, and then
- Rejecting and moving the item to a plan will change the status of the item (‘rejected’ or ‘included in a plan’).
- When an item has been moved to a plan, the ‘Plan’ column shows the plan to which the item was moved.
FIGURE: The ‘Items’ tab allows you to process the request items
- Attachments and links
- Displays the attachments and links added to the request
- Messages
- You can send messages to system users or other recipients. Any message you have started and sent will be listed in the list view. You can delete messages and edit any unsent (draft) messages. A message always has a recipient or recipients, title, message content and potential attachment.