Click the ‘Add’ button.
The edit column is displayed on the right-hand side. In the ‘Question’ field, enter the question you want the supplier to respond to.
Answer type
In the ‘Answer type’ field, select how the tenderer is to answer the question.
The supplier may answer the question yes or no.
In the ‘Limit value’ field, select which of the two answers is expected from the supplier (Yes/no).
The supplier answers with numbers.
In the ‘Limit value presentation accuracy’ field, select the allowed accuracy for the supplier’s answer (integer, number of decimals 1, 2, 3)
The ‘Condition’ section indicates whether the value entered by the supplier should, for example, be below the desired limit value (Smaller than, Smaller than or equal to, Equal to, Greater than or equal to, Greater than)
The ‘Limit value’ field is used for defining limits for the ‘Condition’ section.
Scorings can also be assigned for number ranges.
A text-based answer. The potential supplier types a free-form answer to the question made by the user.
An answer of the date type.
The possible conditions include ‘Smaller than’, ‘Smaller than or equal to’, ‘Equal to’, ‘Greater than or equal to’, ‘Greater than’ and ‘Limit values’. The user selects a date from the calendar view as the limit value.
‘Smaller than’ limit value = The user wants that the date is earlier than the date set as the limit value. (For example, with 25/01/2018, the dates prior to this date are the expected answers).
‘Greater than’ limit value = The user wants that the date is later than the date set as the limit value. (For example, with 25/01/2018, the dates subsequent to this date are the expected answers).
‘Equal to’ limit value = The user wants that the date is exactly the same as the date set as the limit value. (For example, with 25/01/2018, this exact date is the expected answer).
Limit values = A date range within which the supplier's response should fall can be specified.
The supplier uploads an attachment from their own computer.
A drop-down menu from which the supplier selects one option
Enter the options in the ‘Description’ field
Where applicable, assign points for the options
Multiple-choice menu
A drop-down menu from which the supplier may choose several options
Click the plus button to add the options to the ‘Points’ section
Where applicable, assign points for the options
In the ‘Add attachment’ section, you can add an attachment from your computer by dragging or by uploading.
Use the ‘Use points’ option to define whether you want to award points for the question. The definition of points depends on the answer type.
The supplier gets the points if their answer matches with the limit value. For example: The supplier is asked whether they have electronic invoicing in place. Limit value = Yes. The suppliers who answer ‘Yes’ will get the points set.
The supplier gets the points if their answer matches with the limit value definition.
The supplier gets the points if their answer matches with the limit value definition.
The supplier gets the score determined by the option chosen
Multiple-choice menu
The supplier gets all the points assigned to the options chosen.
When you have filled out all the required fields, click the ‘Save’ button.
Reordering criteria questions
Group criteria can be reorder by dragging the question in the criteria grid. The order number is marked with a #-mark and will be automatically updated in the grid.