In the ‘Rounds’ section, a new round can be initiated for the request. A requestwith no scoring can be continued by creating a new request. A scoring-based request can be continued by creating a new request or auction. In both cases, the requestof the previous round can be used as a template for the new request.
Rejection decision, interim decision and notification
Before preparing a new round, select how to proceed from the following options:
Send a rejection notice to those who were rejected
- The feature will only send a notification by e-mail to the rejected tenderers (see below for instructions)
Make an interim decision and notification
Make an interim decision and proceed to the next round in the competitive tendering (click here for instructions on how to make an interim decision)
- No notifications
- Continue to the next round without sending any notification to the tenderers (jump to "Next rounds in the competitive tendering process")
Figure: The notification method is selected before continuing to create new rounds
Send a rejection notice to those who were rejected
This feature can be used for sending a rejection notice to each supplier who was not selected to participate in the request concerned. Under ‘Send a rejection notice to those who were rejected’, click the ‘Select and continue’ button. The system lists as recipients all those suppliers who were not selected as suppliers in the evalution table. Write the rejection message in the field that appears. The rejection message will be sent by e-mail to all suppliers who were rejected from the request.
Figure: Editing and sending the rejection message
Next rounds in the request process
Request with no scoring
- Select the type of the next round
- Request
Scoring-based request
- Request
- Auction (click here for auction instructions) NOTE! Only available for selection in a scoring-based request
And select a template for the next round
- Use the previous round as a template.
- All the information in the original notice will be copied to the new request
- Company basic information, the objects of a selection criteria-based request, numerical criteria, attachments and links, and the selected suppliers will be copied to the auction
- Empty template – the system will open a completely blank template for a non-scored request
Figure: A round type and a template for the next round must be selected before a new round is started
The system opens the new request in the ‘In progress’ folder. If you proceed with an auction, the opened notice will be listed in the ‘In progress’ folder under the ‘Auction’ folder.
Rounds that belong to the same request are interlinked in the system. Use the ‘Rounds’ tab to view the rounds. Click the ‘Go to request details’ link to view the desired round of the request. The documents of the round can be found from the ‘Documents’ tab.
Figure: Interlinking of request rounds in the system