Organization can publish notifications for their own users or for suppliers.
Add new
- Date
- Valid from (date)
- Valid until (date)
- Texts (In Finnish and/or English)
- Title
- Text
- Add a file
- Choose where the notifications will be published:
- Supplier portal
- Sourcing home page
- The users will see the notification as a part of the organizations notification widget.
- Save - will save the notification but will not publish
- Save and publish - will save and publish the notification
Edit the notification
- Remove the notice from the red cross
- Choose the function button from the end of the row to edit the notice
- Remove notification from active notifications
- if the notice is active, the action will remove it from where it is published
- Create new basis on this
- Will create a new draft as a copy of the chosen notification
- Save and publish
- Saves and publishes the notification