Creating and working with metadata
To view metadata, click the ‘Contract settings’ section in the top navigation and then ‘Contract records’.
Create new metadata
Click ‘Create new metadata’
Basic information:
Organisation unit
- Select the organisation unit whose contracts the new metadata will be linked to.
Select the language on which you want to create the metadata by clicking the desired language to activate it. To select several languages, hold down the Ctrl key and click the desired languages. The available languages are:
- Finnish
- English
- Swedish
- Enter a name in the ‘Name’ field. This needs to be repeated for each language you selected.
Data type
- Single-line text field – you may enter one line of text
- Multi-line text field – you may enter a longer text that will be wrapped over several lines
- Price – enter the price information
- Price range – enter a price range in the two fields
- Numeric value – enter a numerical value other than price, e.g. payment term
- Numeric range – enter a numerical range in the two fields
- Date – enter a date
- Date range – enter a date range, e.g. lease period
- Value list – define a menu from which the user will be able to choose one option
- Value list multiple choice – define a menu from which the user will be able to choose one or several options
- Table - define a table with desired amount of rows and columns
- Image
Default content
Where applicable, enter a predefined content for metadata in the ‘Default content’ field.
- Click ‘Add from phrase library’ to import the default content from the phrase library
- From the pop-up window displayed, select the appropriate phrases as the default content
Click ‘Save’ to save the new metadata.
View created metadata
The details are listed under ‘Contract settings” -> ‘Metadata’. The sorting order may be changed under ‘Rearrange’.
- Alphabetically (A-Z)
- Alphabetically (Z-A)
- Newest first
- Oldest first
- Last modified first
The list of metadata shows the unit or organisation level the metadata was set up for.
You may also search for metadata by name or data type from 'Search records'.
Editing metadata
Select the desired metadata from the list and click ‘Edit’. The edit metadata view is displayed. Edit the desired fields and click ‘Save’.
Removing metadata
Click ‘Remove’ from the menu.
- Are you sure you want to remove the selected item?
- OK
- Cancel
NOTE! If you edit or delete any metadata, the changes will not affect the metadata previously used in contracts.