Contract settings
In the ‘Contract settings’ section, administrators in the organisational or unit level may define contract records or contract segments and metadata (additional information), contracts types, claim types and contract templates for their organisation. Contract settings are also used for creating and managing the file and phrase libraries of the organisation and for creating document headers and footers.
Contract settings can be used for directing contract processes and practices from the organisation or unit level, such as:
- Directing users to use correct and up-to-date contract templates
- Ensuring that the necessary additional information is always available with contracts
- Ensuring that contract content and attachments are always up-to-date
- Ensuring that the correct things are followed in contracts of certain type
Metadata is additional information that serves as ‘background information’ for contract cases and contracts. This information can be used for searching for contract cases and contracts, but the defined metadata will not be shown in the pdf contract document.
Metadata can be defined in the library following a procedure similar to that used for adding contract segments. Additionally, a setting can be defined for each metadata that automatically adds the metadata to all new contracts created.
Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions are content that is added to the contract and will be visible in the pdf contract document. Contracts can also be searched for based on this content.
Creating a terms and condition in the library (typically by the administrator) makes it possible to define which units’ users may use which segments.
The data type of the T&C is used for controlling what kind of content can be inserted in the contract segment. This makes it possible to ensure, for example, that ‘delivery time’ in entered in numerical format to streamline searches and report preparation based on this information.
Default content makes it possible to provide pre-defined content for a terms and conditions that can be used as is or edited as applicable. The default content may also be instructions for the users on what kind of content should be entered in the section concerned. Where necessary, the pre-defined default content can be locked so that the users who prepare contracts cannot change the information in the contract.
Using Terms and conditions in structured contract templates and contracts
When a user (typically the administrator) prepares a structured contract template, the user may pick selected Terms and conditions to the contract template from the library. If the content of the Terms and conditions was not locked in the Terms and conditions library, the user may also create contract-specific default content in them. Where necessary, the user may lock selected template content on a contract-by-contract basis or define that certain Terms and conditions must be used in a contract that is created using the template concerned. Contract templates can thus be used for controlling what kind of content is recommended or forced to the added to different kinds of structured contracts.
Contract template makes it easier and less error-prone for users who prepare a structured contract to finalise the contract content, because the contract template already has the most essential or mandatory items in place. The user who is preparing a contract may also pick additional contract segments to the contract from the library or create them on the fly as necessary.
Contract types
Contract types are used for creating a contract hierarchy for the organisation. The depth of the hierarchy is not limited in any way, so the organisation can freely define its own hierarchy. Each contract is always assigned to one contract type. Contract types make it easier to search for and report contracts and to control contract practices.
A desired number of metadata picked from the contract records library can be assigned to the contract type. When a contract is assigned a contract type, the contract will automatically inherit the metadata and monitoring objects defined for the contract type concerned (the user may edit the metadata in the contract if editing has not been locked). This makes it possible to ensure that contracts of different type will always have the required or recommended monitoring metadata.
Monitoring object templates (chosen from the library) can also be created or added for the contract type. These monitoring objects (complete with any monitoring steps they include) will be automatically populated in the contracts that are assigned to the contract type concerned. User fills out the monitoring steps separately for each contract. This makes it possible to ensure that contracts of different type will always have the required or recommended monitoring objects.
One or more contract types can be assigned to the contract template. When the user is creating a contract and selects a contract type for it, the user may see which contract templates are recommended to be used for contracts of this type. This makes it possible to direct the user to use the correct kind of contract templates for different contract types.
Contracts can also be searched for by contract type. Reports can be generated from the reach results.
Contract templates
Administrators may create and manage the contract template library of their organisation. A desired number of different kinds of structured contract templates can be pre-defined in the contract template library that can be used by the users who work with contracts for creating structured contracts. Contract templates can be used for directing the preparation of contracts.
They are provided with basic information and the recommended or forced contract segments. Contract templates are also assigned to one or several contract types and make it possible for the organisation to ensure that the correct users use the correct and up-to-date contract templates in contract cases of different types.
File library
The administrator may create and manage the contract document library of his/her organisation. The library can be used to store contract attachments and other documents related to contracts. Users working with contracts may use these documents when working with contract templates, contract cases and contracts.
Contract templates make it possible for the organisation to ensure that the users have the correct and up-to-date versions at their disposal as far as attachments and documents are concerned.
Phrase library
Phrase groups and phases contained in them can be created in the phrase library. The phrases may be pre-defined phrases, phrase templates or other content instructions for users who prepare contracts.
Phrase groups make it possible to group different phrases under relevant topics. Each phrase is defined a name and content text. The content can also be locked, in which case the phrase must be used as is and cannot be edited in the contact.
The users who prepare contracts may pick phrases from the phrase library and add them to metadata and contract segments. This ensures that the users will have the correct, pre-defined and/or reviewed contract phrases at their disposal.
Document headers
A desired number of contract document headers may be created for the organisation.
For the creation of the contract document, the users who prepare contracts may pick from this data the headers that are suitable for each contract.
Document footers
Document footers are created by administrators. Organisations and units may create several footers that are chosen for contract by the user who prepares the contract.
Claim types
A desired number of claim types may be created for the organisation. When the user prepares a claim proposal or claim, it can be assigned to a chosen claim type. This makes it possible to classify, monitor and search for claims by their type.
Claim templates
Claim templates can be created in the system for the claims. To template can be defined templates name, description and claim attachments to basic information and claim components.