Sharing a framework agreement and the templates added to it*
*Additional functionality that requires the deployment of Cloudia Group
A contracting entity may share a framework agreement it has set up for use by other contracting entities within the group structure. This is done by setting up the selected entities in the organisation structure as participating communities in the framework agreement. The sharing can be carried out in two ways, either when creating a call for tenders under a framework procurement or after setting up a framework agreement:
The sharing of a framework agreement when creating a framework procurement is carried out by setting up the selected entities included in the group structure as participating communities for the call for tenders.
Note: The location of the ‘Participating communities’ option on the notice may vary according to the type of the contract notice.
Participating communities for an EU contract notice are added on the tab entitled SECTION I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
The sharing of a framework agreement after setting it up is carried out via the ‘My framework agreements’ folder by defining the selected entities included in the group structure as participating communities for the framework agreement:
- In the ‘My framework agreements’ folder, select the framework agreement to which you want to add new entities
- On the information page, select ‘Add participating community’
- In the window that appears, select ‘Contracting authorities of the organisation hierarchy’
- From the list, select the entities to which you want to share the framework agreement and its templates, and then click ‘Attach >>’
- Then remember to define whether the entities have the right to make their own mini competitions in this framework agreement (see ‘Defining the rights to make mini competitions’).
Figure: Sharing the framework agreement to new entities after setting up a framework agreement
When a framework agreement has been shared, the framework agreement and the mini competitions under it are shared to the selected entities. The participating communities to whom the framework agreement concerned has been shared will find this framework agreement in their ‘Shared framework agreements’ folder in their own Cloudia Sourcing environment.
Defining the rights to set up mini competitions*
The mini competition templates added to a framework agreement will be automatically shared as visible to those entities/communities in the group structure that have been selected as participating communities for the framework agreement The owner of the framework agreement may manage the right to set up mini competitions under the framework agreement. Under ‘Participating communities’, tick the communities that are entitled to set up mini competitions under the framework agreement. The entities that are not assigned the right to set up mini competitions will be able to see the framework agreement in their own Cloudia Sourcing environment, but they will not be able set up mini competitions under the framework agreement.
For general instructions on how to manage and set up mini competition templates, see instructions on left "Mini competition under a framework agreement"
Setting up a mini competition under a shared framework agreement
When a framework agreement has been shared, the entities to whom it has been shared will find the framework agreement in the ‘Shared framework agreements’ folder in their own Cloudia Sourcing environment. The process for setting up a mini competition under a shared framework agreement is similar to that for setting up a mini competition under the framework agreements of your own organisation. However, setting up a shared framework agreement is only possible if the entity that owns the framework agreement has assigned mini competition rights to the entity planning the procurement and created a call for tenders template or templates for the mini competition. In mini competitions under shared framework agreements, the mini competition template shared by entity that owns the framework agreement must be used.
Setting up a mini competition under a shared framework agreement:
To set up a mini competition under a shared framework agreement:
- From the ‘Mini competitions’ tab of a framework agreement, select ‘Create new mini procurement’
- Select the language of the call for tenders from the drop-down menu
- Select the currency of the call for tenders from the drop-down menu
- Select a template from the drop-down menu NOTE! You can only create a mini competition based on a template shared by the entity that owns the framework agreement.
- The data will be moved from template to the new mini competition
- Select the sub-areas. NOTE! The ‘Selection of sub-areas’ drop-down menu will only be displayed if the procurement has been divided into lots. Use this section to select the sub-areas to be put out to competitive tendering under a mini competition
The process for creating the content of a mini competition call for tenders under a shared framework agreement is the same as that for creating a mini competition call for tenders under framework agreements that are the organisation's own framework agreements.
The entity that owns the shared framework agreement may also have imposed restrictions on how the call for tenders templates to be used can be edited, in which case certain sections in the edit call for tenders
window will be locked.
For further instructions on how to set up and manage mini competitions in the system, see the instructions on the left Mini competition under a framework agreement