Contact information of the contracting authority
- Fill out the contact information of the contracting authority * required fields
The contact information is populated automatically based on the information stored in the system and can be edited where necessary.
NUTS code (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) of the organisation
- Click the button to display the ‘Select NUTS code’ window
- Check a box to select the code
- Click the arrow button to open the code sub-levels
- Click the red trashcan icon to remove a code you added to the form
Internet address(es)
- In the Internet address section, enter the Internet address of the organisation
Nature of the contracting authority
* required fields
- Select the name of the contracting entity
- Click ‘Other’ to open a field where you may enter the desired text
Main activity
HILMA instructions:
- Select the field of activity that best describes the operations of the contracting entity as the field of activity.
- The list of options mainly serves statistical purposes. It is consistent with the UN COFOG classification (Classification of the functions of Government) and therefore is not fully consistent with the classification used in the procurement directives. However, the purpose of this information is to describe the administrative sections that carry out procurements.
Select the main field of activity
- Click ‘Other’ to open a field where you may enter the desired text
Procurement object
* required fields
- Enter a procurement name*
- The system will assign an identification number automatically. The identifier may be edited if necessary
- You may choose a procurement description from the pre-saved texts or enter the description in the text field
Main object
* required fields
- Click ‘Select CPV code’. A dialog box is displayed
- Select the code by browsing for it or using the search feature
- Click the arrow button to open the code sub-levels
- Check a box to select the code
- Select the ‘CPV supplementary codes’ following the same procedure
- Click ‘Add row’ to add a new additional object
- Select the code by browsing for it or using the search feature
Procurement category
* required fields
- Select the procurement type
- Supplies
- Service
- Training services as a combined procurement (Act on Public Employment Service Chapter 6 Section 3)
- Works
- Design contest
Total value of the contract
- Enter the exact value or price range
- Specify whether the stated value is exclusive of VAT
- The default selection is ‘No’
The procurement’s primary location
- Click the ‘Add row’ button to select the primary location of the procurement (NUTS code - Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics)
- Check a box to select the code
- Click the arrow button to open the code sub-levels
- Click the red X button to remove a code you added to the form
Name and address of the chosen contractors
- Click ‘Add’
- Click the pencil button with a blue background to add a supplier’s contact details
- Enter the supplier’s contact details
- Select the NUTS code
- Enter the supplier’s Internet address if applicable
Procurement procedure
* required fields
- Select the type of procedure
- Direct procurement
- In the resulting field, enter the reasons for using direct procurement
- The procurement does not fall under the scope of the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts
- In the resulting field, enter the reasons why the procurement does not fall within the scope of the Act on Public Contracts
- Direct procurement
- Enter the additional information if applicable
End of the visibility period in the Supplier Portal
* This field is only on EU prior information notices.
- Mark the date until which the notice will be shown in the Supplier Portal.
Appeal details
* required information
- Enter the address details in the resulting fields
- If you click ‘Restore the Market Court’s contact information’, the system will automatically populate the address fields with contact details of the Finnish Market Court