NOTE! The automatic calculation of the comparison is only possible if you selected ‘Economically most advantageous tender, scoring (Cheapest price)’ or 'Economically most advantageous tender, scoring (Highest price)' as the comparison criterion in the ‘Definition of comparison criteria' section.
In Cloudia Sourcing, you can set maximum price and/or quality points for the total price or by sub-area. Additionally, scoring weights (relates to the setting of price points) and criteria-specific points can be set for the objects being procured . The price points are generated automatically based on the supplier’s total price in relation to the othersuppliers received (the ‘relationship to the smallest or largest’ or ‘linear’ calculation method will be used in the price evalution), and the maximum quality points will be given to the supplier who received the largest number of criteria-specific points (the quality maximum points are compared using the ‘relationship to the largest’ formula).
Scoring of price
When ‘Economically most advantageous response, scoring (cheapest price)’ or ‘Economically most advantageous response, scoring (highest price)’ has been selected as the evaluation criterion, points can be defined for the group total price or sub-area price that are distributed according to the selected formula (relationship to the smallest, relationship to the largest, or linear).
Calculation method for price points
Two options are available for selection based on which the system will distribute the price points in the evaluation table
a) When ‘Economically most advantageous response, scoring (cheapest price) is chosen
- Relationship to the smallest Formula:
(smallest entered/tendered value) * maximum points
- Relationship to the smallest, linear Formula:
(1- I(tendered value - smallest entered value)I / I(largest entered value - smallest entered value)I) * maximum points
The difference between the calculation methods is best seen in a evaluation table:
FIGURE: The difference between the ‘Relationship to the smallest’ and ‘Relationship to the smallest, linear’ price points calculation methods shown in a evaluation table
a) When ‘Economically most advantageous tender, scoring (highest price) is chosen
- Relationship to the largest Formula:
(highest entered/tendered value) * maximum points
- Relationship to the largest, linear Formula:
((tendered value - smallest entered value) / (largest entered value - smallest entered value)) * maximum points
Maximum points for price
The process for determining price points is slightly different if the price is set for a total price or the request has been divided into lots. See also the instructions for the comparison criteria.
Defining price points if the request has not been divided into lots
Use the ‘Maximum points of total price’ field to enter one common maximum score for the total price for the entire request (all the defined groups).
In the evaluation table, the system will calculate the price points based on the selected price calculation formula, summing up all the total prices of the objects in all groups (unit price * quantity being procured)
The supplier who tendered the lowest total price will get the maximum total price points.
The points received by the other suppliers will be distributed according to the selected price points calculation formula.
FIGURE: Price points for a request that has not been divided into lots are defined topmost in the ‘Sourcing items and criteria section. The example depicts a request that contains two groups. The maximum score for the total price of the groups has been defined as 80 points.
Defining price points if the request has been divided into lots (the old object group-specific evaluation criterion)
Separate maximum score for price is assigned to each sub-area by entering the score in the ‘Maximum score for price’ field
In the evaluation table, the system will calculate the price points for each sub-area separately based on the selected price calculation formula, summing up all the total prices of the objects in the sub-area (unit price * quantity being procured)
The supplier who tendered the lowest price in the sub-area will get the maximum score for price in that sub-area.
The points received by the other suppliers will be distributed according to the selected price points calculation formula.
FIGURE: Price points for a request that has been divided into lots are defined within each sub-area. In the example, the maximum score for price in the tractors sub-area has been defined as 80 points.
Weight of the object in the maximum price score can be determined
If you want to assign a larger weight in the price points to a specific sourcing item object, you can define weights for the objects. A weight as a percentage of the maximum price score can be assigned to an object.
In the ‘Weight of the object in the maximum price score can be determined’ section, select ‘Yes’
Enter a weight as a percentage under each object
NOTE! The sum total of all weights must be 100%
FIGURE: Weight of the object in the maximum price score. In the example, the weight of a van in the maximum price score is higher (60%) than that of a car (40%)