It's possible to export supplier data from Supplier Management in .XLSX format.
File includes the suppliers that are displayed in search result. User is able to narrow down suppliers that are exported to file by search filters (e.g. supplier group)
The information is divided into tabs.
The file contains the following information:
Datafield | Description |
Group owner | Organization |
External identifier | External system identifier (ExternalId) |
Business ID | Business identifier |
Tax number | Supplier tax number |
Name | Supplier name |
Official name | Official name fetched from YTJ (Yritys- ja yhteisötietojärjestelmä) |
Street address | Address: Street |
Postal code | Address: Postal |
City | Address: City |
Country | Country name |
Contact person's name | Contact: Name |
Phone number | Contact: Phone number |
Contact: Email address | |
Creation date | Creation date and timestamp |
Created by | User: Created by |
Modified | Creation date and timestamp |
Edited by | User: Editor |
Language | Supplier language: language, free textfield. |
Web | Supplier www-address |
Description | Supplier description |
External Supplier status | External status (internal status, Cloudia systems) |
Non-public description | Supplier's non-public description (internal) |
Official addresses | Address: Other official addresses. Free textfield. |
Parent external id | Concern (ParentExternalId) |
Datafield | Description |
Supplier | Supplier name. |
UNSPSC-code | UNSPSC-code (numeric) |
Name | UNSPSC name. Code names are in english. |
Datafield | Description |
Supplier | Supplier name. |
Date | Date |
Title | Journal entry title. |
Participant | Participants. System users. |
Action | Action. Free textfield. |
Notes | Notes. Free textfield. |
Done | Check if done (Yes/No) |
Creation date | Creation date and timestamp |
Modified | Modified date and timestamp |
Created by | User: Created by |
Edited by | User: Edited by |
Person in charge | Person in charge. System users. |
Participants | Participants. System users. |
Deadline | Deadline. Date and timestamp. |
Group owner | Organization |
Group | Selected groups |
Users | User: System users. |
Supplier's contact person
Datafield | Description |
Supplier | Supplier name. |
Contact person's name | Contact: Name |
Phone number | Contact: Phone number |
Contact: Email |
Supplier | Supplier name. |
Metadata | Metadata (name) |
Description | Description of metadata. |
Data type. | Metadata datatype. Datatypes = not, selected, single-text line, numeric value, numeric range, date, date range, hyperlink, value list multiple choice |
Text value | Text content. Value is from metadata default template. |
Numeric value | Content of numeric value (content, numeric) Value is fetched from metadata default template. |
Numeric lower limit | Numeric lower limit (content, numeric) Value is fetched from metadata default template. |
Numeric upper limit | Numeric upper limit (content, numeric) Value is fetched from metadata default template. |
Date value | Date content. (content, date, timestamp) Value is fetched from metadata default template. |
Date lower limit | Date lower limit (content date, timestamp) Value is fetched from metadata default template. |
Date upper limit | Date upper limit (content date, timestamp) Value is fetched from metadata default template. |
Editing locked | Editing locked (Yes/No) |
Link value | Hyperlink default value (content, text) Value is fetched from metadata default template. |
Values | Value list multiple choice values (content) Value is fetched from metadata default template. |
Supplier | Supplier name. |
Contract | Contract name |
Hyperlink | Hyperlink (content, text) |
Supplier | Supplier name. |
Claim | Claim name |
Hyperlink | Hyperlink (content, text) |
Supplier's groups
Supplier | Supplier name. |
Group | Group name |
Ranking | Supplier's ranking in group. rank / amount of suppliers in group |
Points | Group criteria points. Supplier total points / criteria max. points |
Reference value | Reference value compared to suppliers current and max points (total). Numeric value (percent, max. 100%) |
Status | Supplier status in group. |
Assessment | Supplier's current assessment in group. |
Previous assessment | Supplier's previous assessment in group. |
Date of the previous assessment | Supplier's previous assessment date and timestamp. |
Comments | Assessment comment |
Previous comments | Previous assessment comment |
Edited by | User: Edi |