When a requests set up, the procedure to be used needs to be selected. This is done on the request tab named "Procedure"
The available procedures are:
Open procedure
Restricted procedure
Additionally, electronic auction can be used in the procurement (NOTE! Only in Advanced RFx).
The procedure you choose determines how the competitive procedure is to proceed. See below for more detailed procedure-specific descriptions.
Open procedure
Open procedure is a procurement procedure in which the notice is openly published in the Supplier Portal. Tenderers will find the open call for tenders in the call for tenders listing in the Supplier Portal and all tenderers who are interested can submit a tender in response to the call for tenders concerned. In addition to the Supplier Portal, open calls for tenders can be published by e-mail, in which case an invitation to respond to the call for tenders concerned will be sent to the tenderers by e-mail.
Publishing channels for an open procedure:
Supplier Portal
Restricted procedure
Restricted procedure is a procurement procedure in which the notice is only published directly to the selected tenderers by e-mail and only the invited tenderers may submit tenders. The notice cannot be openly published in the Supplier Portal the same way as in the open procedure.
Publishing channels for a restricted procedure:
Figure: Publishing options for a restricted notice
Receipt and viewing of request
Tenderers may submit responses as long as the ‘Receipt deadline for request’ defined for the request has not expired. The procedure for submitting requests to participate is the same as that for submitting request (see Submitting a tender)
The organisation that puts the contract out for tender can view the received tenders on the information page of the procurement concerned. The request information page is accessed from the notice folder view. Requested where the receipt deadline for tenders has not expired are listed in the ‘Active’ folder.
Figure: Proceeding to the viewing of requests to participate when the time limit for submitting tenders has not expired
Request rounds
Processing of request and selection of tenderers for the next rounds
When the receipt deadline for tenders expires, the procurement concerned moves automatically to the ‘Ended’ notice folder. To process the requests to participate, select a request from the listing that appears.
Figure: Proceeding to the processing of received tenders when the time limit for submitting tenders has expired
Tenders can be processed on an aggregated basis in the comparison table view in the ‘Response evalution’ section, where the tenderers that are to be selected for the next round in the comparison table are also chosen (see Tender comparison).
When the supplier has been selected, proceed to the creation of the next call for tenders round under ‘Rounds’. Before proceeding to the creation of a new round, select the notification method (see Rounds)
Figure: Selecting the notification option after processing the tenderer selection
After the notification stage, select from the ‘Rounds’ tab whether to create:
a new call for tenders; or
an auction.
Also select whether you want to use the call for tenders of the previous round as a template when creating the next round or whether you want to create the new round on a blank template.
Figure: Selecting tenderers for the next round or choosing a supplier directly
Proceeding to the next call for tenders round
The creation of a new call for tenders round follows the same logic as the creation of a normal scoring-based procurement (see the instructions for scoring-based request). The procedure for managing an active or closed request is similar to that for the first round.
Ending the process after the last round
When the receipt deadline for tenders expires, the request concerned moves automatically to the ‘Ended’ notice folder. To process the requests to participate, select a request from the listing that appears.
Tenders can be processed on an aggregated basis in the comparison table view in the ‘Response evalution’ section, where the tenderers that are to be selected for the next round in the comparison table are also chosen (see Response comparison).
IMAGE: Start evalution of responses
The ecalution table is processed in the same way as in other types of request (see evalution of answers)
After processing the evalution and selecting the supplier(s), we move on to the contract award phase. The award decision and the notification are made in the same way as for other types of procedure (see award decision).
After the contract award stage, a contract can be created for the selected supplier(s) in Cloudia Contract if the system has been deployed in your organisation.
Linking of rounds in the system
Rounds that belong to the same request are interlinked in the system. Use the ‘Rounds’ tab to view the rounds. Click the ‘Go to notice details’ link to view the desired round of the call for tenders. The documents of the round can be found from the ‘Documents’ tab.
Figure: Linking of request rounds in the system