The contract list on the Dashboard lists all the contracts in your organisation to which you have been given read access. The contracts are listed in alphabetical order by contract name. Use the menu in the top-right corner of the contract list to change the order in which the contracts are listed.
On the left in the start screen is the ‘Search’ column that can be used for finding contracts from the list. The menu in the top-left corner allows you to change the language of the dashboard. The menu in the top-right corner allows you to log out from the interface or switch back to Cloudia Contract Management
Viewing contracts
All the contracts in your organisation to which you have been given read access are displayed in the contract list by default. Use the ‘Search’ feature to filter the view. See the Search for contracts article (Click here to jump to the article) for more detailed instructions.
You may view contracts by contract folders or as individual contracts.
Click ‘Group by contract folder’ to group the contracts by contract folder. Click the name of a desired contract folder to view the basic information of the folder and the related contracts. The following information about the contract folder is displayed:
- Contract folder identifier
- Contract folder description
- Person in charge of contract
- Contract folder documents
- Reference number
- Contract folder contracts. This lists the contracts to which you have been given read access.
- You may also view contracts without grouping them by contract folders, in which case each contract will be shown as a separate line. Click a contract name shown in the contract list to display the following information about the contract:
- Contract type
- Contract folder
- Contract group
- Organisation unit
- You may also view contracts without grouping them by contract folders, in which case each contract will be shown as a separate line. Click a contract name shown in the contract list to display the following information about the contract:
Click the button with three horizontal lines to the right next to the contract name to view the contract information in more detail.
- View
- More detailed information about the contract in the system is displayed
- 1 Basic information
Contract basic information: Name, Contract description, Reference number, Contract identifier, Contract number, Contract folder, Contract type, Contract period, Person in charge of contract, Deputy person(s) in charge of contract, Clients and Suppliers
2 Metadata
Metadata added for the contract
- 3 Content
Contract terms and conditions
4 Products
The products on the contract
- 5 Claims
The claims filed on the contract
Option to create a claim proposal relating to the contract concerned
6 Notifications
Notifications related to the contract.
Create claim proposal (* Additional functionality (Click here for instructions))
- 1 Basic information
- More detailed information about the contract in the system is displayed