The user management administrator can set access levels for users
The supplier management administrator is the administrator of the customer, ie the user company, who has the rights to the following information and functions:
- View basic information for all suppliers in the system
- Browse, add, edit, and delete your client organization's own groups
- Adding, Editing, and Archiving suppliers (Delete)
- Export supplier data in an Excel report (.xlsx)
- VastuuGroup information for suppliers belonging to the supplier register of the customer organization and reviewing the service, if the service is used by the customer
- Adding suppliers to the customer's own groups
- Editing supplier information in the customer's own groups (criteria, comments, evaluations, etc.)
- Removing suppliers from groups
- Accepting suppliers into the customer's own groups
- Rejection of suppliers in the customer's own groups
- Export group card data in an Excel report (.xlsx)
- Add, edit, delete metadata
- Adding metadata to the editor, editing, deleting
- Combining supplier information from a customer organization's supplier register
- Restoring archived (deleted) suppliers from the supplier organization's supplier register from the supplier archive
The supplier management user is the basic user of the customer, ie the user company, who has the rights to the following information and functions:
- View basic information for all suppliers in the system
- Browse the customer organization's own groups
- Adding, Editing, and Archiving suppliers (Delete)
- Export supplier data in an Excel report (.xlsx)
- VastuuGroup information for suppliers belonging to the supplier register of the customer organization If you use the service
- Adding suppliers to the customer's own groups
- Editing supplier information in the customer's own groups (criteria, comments, evaluations, etc.)
- Removing suppliers from groups
- Accepting suppliers into the customer's own groups
- Rejection of suppliers in the customer's own groups
- Export group card data in an Excel report (.xlsx)
- Add, edit, delete metadata
- Adding metadata to the editor, editing, deleting
Supplier management read user:
- View data only