NOTE! This instruction can be applied to
- EU contract award notice
- EU contract award notice, utilities
- Social and other specific services – public contracts - Contract award notice
- Social and other specific services – concessions - Contract award notice
- Concession award notice
- Give the procurement a name.
- If applicable, give the procurement a reference number (note that this number is not the procurement ID)
II.1.2) The main CPV code
- Click "Select CPV code" and a selection window will appear
- Select a code by ticking the selection box
- Open code sub-levels by pressing the arrow button
- Codes that have been added to the form can be changed
- "Add an additional code" are selected in the same way
II.1.3) Contract type
* This section is not included in all notice types.
- Select the contract type
II.1.4) Short description
- Enter a brief description of the procurement (maximum 1000 characters)
II.1.5) Estimated total value
* This section is not included in all notice types.
- Enter the estimated total value of the procurement
II.1.7) Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT)
- Value
- Enter the "value" in the field that appears
- Lowest offer/highest offer taken into consideration
- Lowest/highest tender that has been taken into consideration
II.1.6) Information on lots
- Select whether the contract is divided into lots
- Yes
- If the contract is divided into lots, no more information need be provided on this tab.
- Complete sections II.2.2 – II.2.14, which will appear on the page
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- Click "Select CPV code" and a selection window will appear
- Select a code by ticking the selection box
- Open code sub-levels by pressing the arrow button
- Codes that have been added to the form can be changed
- "CPV supplementary codes" are selected in the same way
II.2.3) Place of performance
- Select the primary implementation location for the procurement (NUTS code) in the window that appears when you press the button
- Add a row
- If applicable, provide additional detail on the primary implementation location (maximum 200 characters)
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
- Enter a detailed description of the procurement (maximum 4000 characters)
II.2.5) Award Criteria
* This section is not included in all notice types.
- Select the criteria for making the procurement contract:
Criteria below
Specify the criteria (cost-based, price or quality-based) according to the options below:
1) Cost-based (as used in life cycle costs)
FIGURE: After the selection, the ‘Add row’ functionality activates. Add a row and enter the name and weighting of the criterion
2) Price
- Specify the weighting of the price
FIGURE: If only the cheapest price is used as the award criterion, the weighting section must be left blank.
3) Quality-based (where the best price / quality ratio is used)
- After the selection, the ‘Add row’ functionality activates
- Enter the quality-based criterion and weighting
FIGURE: After the selection, the ‘Add row’ functionality activates. Add a row and enter the name and weighting of the criterion
FIGURE: If price/quality ratio was used as the comparison criterion, the section should be filled out according to the example. In the example, the quality-based criterion is price 60% and quality 40%.
II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system *
* This section is not included in all notice types.
- Enter the term of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic procurement system
- If you select "This contract can be extended", enter the information requested below
II.2.11) Information about options
* This section is not included in all notice types.
- If applicable, select "Description of options"
- If you select " Description of options" , enter the additional information that is requested
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
- Select whether the procurement is associated with a project and/or a programme financed by European Union funds
- If you select "Yes", you must enter the project name or reference in the field that appears
II.2.14) Additional information
- If applicable, enter additional information related to the procurement (maximum 400 characters)