Legal basis
- Directive 2014/23/EU (Service concession contract): in the menu below, select whether the notice is being made by a procuring authority or a procuring entity
- Directive 2014/24/EU (Public procurement)
- Directive 2014/25/EU (Utilities)
- The sections that appear in the navigation panel on the left must be completed depending on which directive is selected
- Appendix D1 (Public procurement)
- Appendix D2 (Utilities)
- Appendix D4 (Service concession contract)
Section I: Contracting authority
Click the image to see instructions for this section:
Section II: Object
II.1) Scope of procurement
- Give the procurement a name.
- If applicable, give the procurement a reference number (note that this number is not the procurement ID)
II.1.2) The main CPV code
- Click "Select CPV code" and a selection window will appear
- Select a code by ticking the selection box
- Open code sub-levels by pressing the arrow button
- Codes that have been added to the form can be changed
- "CPV supplementary codes" are selected in the same way
II.1.3) Type of contract
- Select the contract type
II.1.4) Short description
- Enter a brief description of the procurement (maximum 1000 characters)
II.1.7) Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT)
- Value
- Enter the "value" in the field that appears
- Lowest/highest tender that has been taken into consideration
- Lowest/highest tender that has been taken into consideration
- Lowest/highest tender that has been taken into consideration
II.1.6) Section information
- Select whether the contract is divided into lots
- Yes
- No
- Complete the information that appears (II.2.2 – II.2.14)
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- Click "Select CPV code" and a selection window will appear
- Select a code by ticking the selection box
- Open code sub-levels by pressing the arrow button
- Codes that have been added to the form can be changed
- "CPV supplementary codes" are selected in the same way
II.2.3) Place of performance
- Select the primary implementation location for the procurement (NUTS code) in the window that appears when you press the button
- Add a row
- If applicable, provide additional detail on main site or place of performance (maximum 100 characters)
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
- Enter a detailed description of the procurement (maximum 4000 characters)
II.2.5) Award criteria
NOTE! If "Directive 2014/23/EU (Service concession contract)" is selected in the DIRECTIVE section, the criteria for making the contract are entered in this section in order of decreasing importance.
- Enter the first criterion in the section "1st criterion"
- Add a row by clicking "Add row"
NOTE! If "Directive 2014/24/EU (Public procurement)" or "Directive 2014/25/EU (Utilities)" is selected in the DI-RECTIVE section, the criteria for making the procurement contract are to be indicated as described below.
- Select the criteria for making the procurement contract
Select "Criteria stated below" and criteria will be specified for the call for tenders (cost criteria, price or quality criteria) in accordance with the alternatives below:
1) Cost criteria (when life cycle costs are completed)
- When this is selected, the "Add row" function becomes active
- Enter a name and weighting for the criterion
2) Price
- Specify the weighting for price
3) Quality-based (where the best price/quality ratio is used)
- When this is selected, the "Add row" function becomes active
- Enter a name and weighting for the criterion
Select "Price is not the only criterion for awarding the contract, and all of the criteria are stated in the procurement documents only".
II.2.11) Information about options
- If applicable, select "Additional procurement opportunities"
- Enter a description of the opportunities
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
- Select whether the procurement is associated with a project and/or a programme financed by European Union funds
- If you select "Yes", you must enter the project name or reference in the field that appears.
II.2.14) Additional information
- If applicable, enter additional information related to the procurement (maximum 400 characters)
II.2: SECTION: Description (contract divided into lots)
If you answered "Yes" to section II.1.6 ("Details concerning lots") (HILMA instructions), details must be entered for section II.2: SECTION: DESCRIPTION details.
Enter a new procurement contract
- Select "Add new"
II.2) Description
- Enter a name and lot number for the procurement contract object
Complete Sections II.2.2) - II.2.14) as above.
SECTION IV: Procedure
IV.1) Description
IV.1.1) Nature of procedure
- Select the procedure used for the procurement
IV.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
- If applicable, select "This procedure involves the establishment of a framework agreement"
IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
- Select "The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement"
IV.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure
- If a previous notice has been published in relation to the procurement, enter the OJEU number in this field
Section V: Conclusion of the contract
Open the contract for editing by clicking the blue editing icon.
Making a contract
Enter the contract information
- Contract No.
- Lot No.
- Name
V.2) Award and contract value
- Enter the contract creation date
V.2.2) Information about tenders
- State whether the contract was made with a group of economic operators
V.2.3) Name and address of the contractor
- Select will the contractor`s information is published
- Yes
- No
- Add new contact details by pressing the "Add" button
- Edit the rows that appear and complete the details that appear
- Edit the rows that appear and complete the details that appear
V.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
- Enter the "Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot"
- If applicable, select "Total value of the contract/lot"
- Complete the "Total value of the contract/lot"
- If applicable, select "Lowest offer/Highest offer taken into consideration"
- Complete " Lowest offer/Highest offer taken into consideration"
- Complete "currency"
V.2.5) Information about subcontracting
- If applicable, select "The contract is likely to be subcontracted"
- If this is selected, enter the "Value or proportion likely to be subcontracted to third parties"
Section VI: Supplementary information
VI.3) Additional information
- If applicable, enter additional information related to the procurement (maximum 4000 characters)
VI.4) Appeal procedures
VI.4.1) Rewiev body
- If applicable, select "Contact information" and enter the address in the field that appears
- If you select "Restore the Market Court's contact information", the system will automatically complete the address fields using the details for the Finnish Market Court
VI.4.2) Entity responsible for mediation procedures
- If applicable, select "Contact information" and enter the address in the field that appears
VI.4.3) Precise information about the appeal procedures time limits
- If applicable, complete "Precise details on deadlines for appeal procedure(s)" (maximum 4000 characters)
VI.4.4) The entity, which provides information on the appeal procedure
- If applicable, select "Contact information" and enter the address in the field that appears
Information for the Supplier Portal
Procurement identification
- The system generates an ID automatically for the procurement. The ID can be edited if necessary. For example, a serial number can be used as the procurement ID.