NOTE! This instruction can be applied to
- EU contract notice
- EU procurement notification, utilities
- Social and other specific services – public contracts - Contract notice
- Concession notice
- Supplier register
- Utility procurement, under EU threshold value (NOTE: Notice can not be published to HILMA)
Select the correct legal basis for the contract notice
In the ‘Social and other specific services – concessions - Prior information notice’, select whether the notice is published by a contracting authority or a contracting entity.
I.1) Name and addresses
- Complete the procuring entity's contact details
The contact details are completed automatically using the information stored on the system and they can be edited if necessary.
NUTS code (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics)
- Select the primary implementation location for the procurement (NUTS code) in the window that appears when you press the button
- Select a code by ticking the selection box
- Open code sub-levels by pressing the arrow button
- Codes added to the form can be removed by clicking the red X button
Internet address(es)
- The internet address section should contain the website address of the procuring entity or pro-curement procedure for users to obtain additional information about the procuring entity and procurement
Orderers (Other participating communities)
* This section is not included in all notice types.
Add new contact details:
- Click "Add contact"
- A new community named "New community" will appear on the form
- Click on the blue pen icon and enter the details into the form that appears
Select communities from the register
* This section is not included in all notice types.
Click "Select communities":
- In the window that appears, select one or more pre-stored communities or groups of communities
- The selected communities will appear on the form
- If you would like to view details about the community you have added, click on the blue pen icon and the details will appear on the form. This also enables you to edit the community's details.
- Click on the blue pen icon again to close the details about the community
- If you would like to remove a community you have added to the form, click the red X button
I.2) Joint procurement
If applicable, select information concerning joint procurement
- The contract involves joint procurement
- Enter the details about the joint procurement if applicable
- The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body
1.3) Communication
- Not selected
- The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full access, free of charge at:
- By default, the address field will contain the address of your procurement organisation's own supplier portal, so it is not necessary to edit the information in this field. If necessary, the information can be edited.
- NOTE! If address is accidentaly deleted, reset the original from "reset to default URL"
- Access to procurement documents is restricted. Further details are available at this address:
- Enter an address (URL)
Additional information can be obtained from
- The abovementioned address
- Another address
- The corresponding name and address details are completed
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted:
Electronically via URL:
- The system generates a link to the call for tenders. This automatically-generated address functions as a link to the HILMA notice, which directs suppliers automatically to the correct call for tenders on the supplier portal. This address should not normally be edited or deleted.
- NOTE! If address is accidentaly deleted, reset the original from "reset to default URL"
If tenders or requests to participate are to be submitted by post:
- Not chosen
- To the abovementioned address
- To the following address
- The corresponding name and address details are completed
- If electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available. Unrestricted and full direct access to these tools and devices is possible, free of charge, at (URL)
- Fill in the address where these tools in question can be downloaded
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
* This section is not included in all notice types.
- Select the nature of the procuring entity
- If you select "Other", a field will appear enabling you to enter the desired text
I.5) Main activity
* This section is not included in all notice types
- Select the primary sector
- If you select "Other", a field will appear enabling you to enter the desired text