I.1) Name and addresses
* required fields
HILMA instructions:
- This section is used for declaring basic information about the contracting entity. The contracting entities referred to in the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts include authorities of central and local government and joint municipal authorities; the Evangelical-Lutheran and Orthodox churches of Finland and their parishes and other authorities; State commercial institutions; institutions of public law character; and any party conducting a procurement when it has secured the support in doing so of a contracting entity amounting to more than half of the value of the procurement.
- In the form, a cooperation body set up for procurement purposes on a temporary or permanent basis (a ‘procurement ring’) can also be indicated as a contracting entity. If the procurement is carried out by several contracting entities, at least one set of additional contact details concerning the participating contracting entities must be included in the notice.
The contact information is populated automatically based on the information stored in the system and can be edited where necessary.
NUTS code (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) of the organisation
- Click the button to display the ‘Select NUTS code’ window
- Check a box to select the code
- Click the arrow button to open the code sub-levels
- Click Clicking red recycle bin icon to remove a code you added to the form
Internet address(es)
- In the Internet address section, enter the Internet address of the organisation
Participating communities
- Click ‘Add contract’
- Click the blue pencil button to add the details of the community
- When you click the blue pencil button again, the details of the currently opened community will close
- To delete a community you added from the form, click the red X button
- Click the blue pencil button to add the details of the community
- Click ‘Select communities’
- From the resulting window, select one or several pre-saved communities or community groups
- The selected communities are listed on the form
- If you want to view the details of the added community, click the blue pencil button to open the details on the form.
- When you click the blue pencil button again, the details of the currently opened community will close
- To delete a community you added from the form, click the red recycle bin icon
I.2) Joint procurement
HILMA instructions:
- This section is used for stating whether the procurement is to be carried out as a joint procurement by several contracting authorities. A joint procurement can be carried out using a separate central purchasing body, such a Hansel Ltd in the case of central government. In this case, both the joint procurement and the use of a central purchasing body must be announced. On the other hand, if the joint procurement will be carried out using a central purchasing body as a so-called procurement ring, for example, only the section stating that the contract involves joint procurement is to be filled out.
- In the case of a joint procurement that involves a procurement entity based in several EU or EEA countries (for example, a Finnish and Swedish procurement entity), the procurement law applied to the procedure must be stated.
- When joint procurement is used, at least one set of additional contact details must be added in the contact details.
Select the information pertaining to joint procurement if applicable
- The contract involves joint procurement
- Fill out the details of the joint procurement if applicable
- The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body
I.3) Communication
* required fields
HILMA instructions:
According to the new Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts, procurement documents such as the call for tenders documents must, as a rule, be available on the internet for full and unrestricted access free of charge. The availability of procurement documents may be restricted in exceptional cases listed in the Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts. This section is used for stating that the procurement documents are available on the internet and their internet address or that access to them is restricted, in which case the internet access from which information on how the tenderers may gain access to the procurement documents with restricted availability can be obtained must be stated.
- The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge at
- The address field will be populated by the address of the supplier portal of your procurement organisation by default, so the data in this field need not be edited. However, editing is possible if deemed necessary
- NOTE! If you delete the address by mistake, you can restore it by choosing ‘Reset to default URL’
- Access to the procurement documents is restricted. Further information can be obtained at
- Enter the address (URL)
Additional information can be obtained from
* required fields
HILMA instructions:
This section is used for indicating where the suppliers interested in the procurement may obtain additional information. Here, a reference can be made to the contact information of the procuring entity, or new contact information may be added for the provision of additional information.
- Aforementioned address
- Another address
- Fill out the respective name and address details
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted
Electronically via (URL):
- The system generates a link to the call for tenders. This automatically generated link serves as a link in the HILMA notice that automatically directs the tenderer to the correct call for tenders in the supplier portal. In normal cases, it is not advisable to edit or remove this address.
- NOTE! If you delete the address by mistake, you can restore it by choosing ‘Reset to default URL’
- NOTE! If you delete the address by mistake, you can restore it by choosing ‘Reset to default URL’
- If tenders or requests to participate must be submitted by mail:
- Not selected
- To the abovementioned address
- To the following address
- Fill out the respective name and address details
- If electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available.
- State the address from which such tools and devices can be downloaded
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
*required fields
Select the type of the contracting entity
- Click ‘Other’ to open a field where you may enter the desired text
I.5) Main activity
* required fields
HILMA instructions:
- Select the field of activity that best describes the operations of the contracting entity as the field of activity.
- The list of options mainly serves statistical purposes. It is consistent with the UN COFOG classification (Classification of the functions of Government) and therefore is not fully consistent with the classification used in the procurement directives. However, the purpose of this information is to describe the administrative sections that carry out procurements.
Select the main field of activity
- Click ‘Other’ to open a field where you may enter the desired text